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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Microsoft to buy Yammer

Taken from: http://www.information-management.com/news/microsoft-yammer-esn-social-ballmer-10022761-1.html?ET=informationmgmt:e3326:2262124a:&st=email&utm_source=editorial&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=IM_Daily_062612

The article notes:

June 25, 2012 – Microsoft said it will pay $1.2 billion in cash for Yammer, the emerging enterprise social network provider it plans to sync up with its Office, Skype and cloud offerings.
Yammer enables on-demand portals to create and join private, in-house social networks with related analytics and collaborative tools. Microsoft, in a statement on the proposed deal, said it would continue to develop Yammer’s offerings as well as connect them to its own collaboration features for SharePoint, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics and Skype, the video-phone provider which it purchased in the fall of 2011 for $8.5 billion.

Technology is fun - and it is fun to notice the various positions of the major players.  Facebook is the social media leader (at least in the United States); Google has tried Google Plus; Apple has a good lock on tablets and consumer devices; Microsoft just introduced its Surface tablet and a Microsoft phone (with the common operating system that is touch compatible).  So, getting a subsidiary that has "on-demand portals to create and join private, in-house social networks" would seem to be a natural thing for Microsoft to do!!!

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