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Monday, June 25, 2012

Data Center Fabric

Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_center_fabric

From Wikipedia:
Fabric computing or unified computing involves the creation of a computing fabric consisting of interconnected nodes that look like a 'weave' or a 'fabric' when viewed collectively from a distance.
Usually this refers to a consolidated high-performance computing system consisting of loosely coupled storage, networking and parallel processing functions linked by high bandwidth interconnects
There are times when I know it all (after all, I have been in IT for over 30 years).  But, then <pow> I learn something new - like "fabric computing" - (wow - where did that come from).  In many respects, it is an extension of the virtualization concept  - combining servers - but also combining nodes, switches, routers, etc.  

Where once the hardware world was 'buy from the same company / supplier' - it now is following the BYOD (bring your own devices) concept to the data center.  Integration is the key!!!!

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