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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Grass Root support for Apple in the Enterprise

Taken from: http://www.information-management.com/blogs/Apple_mobile_infrastructure_BI_iPad_enterprise-10022129-1.html?ET=informationmgmt:e3041:2262124a:&st=email&utm_source=editorial&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=IM_Daily_030912

Apple has tried to NOT be the enterprise computing company.  In fact (from the article), Steve Jobs stated: " Steve Jobs himself regularly stated that he did not want Apple to be, or become, an enterprise IT provider, preferring to focus on more creative and new types of devices, content, and services that enabled consumer/end users."

BUT ... Apple is creeping into the business world.  With the BYOD (bring your own device) philosophy, the iPad is showing up in salesmen's hands - with iCloud (or DropBox) cloud storage, CRM (with links to Salesforce or Soho) and other tools.  

The demand comes from the bottom up - from users who want the flexibility of tablet devices - not from the top down of CEO to CIO to users.  That brings standardization, bottom up generally brings innovation

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