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Monday, September 19, 2011

Netflix changes - due in part to Social Media

Taken from: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-20078960-93/dear-netflix-price-hike-ignites-social-media-fire/

So in July Netflix announced up to a 60% hike in fees and caused a massive customer backlash.

According to the article:
Within a few hours after announcing the change, over 9000 people had comments on Netflix' Facebook page (about 99% of the comments were negative).

Today (September 19th) Netflix' CEO, Reed Hastings, " admitted that he had fallen victim to "arrogance"". They are separating into two functional areas - the DVD by mail that had been Netflix first claim to fame, and Qwikster - a new brand for the streaming video part of the company.

Hastings admitted that " it is on track to lose 600,000 subscribers in the current quarter"

There already has been many comments about the change - ranging from the new name ('why not Netflix Streaming Video instead of Qwikster?" was one comment).

To me, it demonstrates the power of consumers - and the power of social media.

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