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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Virtual Reality - coming closer

We've had promises of virtual reality for years.  This comes from this article:

The concept of virtual reality is that through wearing some special devices (goggles / glasses) technology can 'trick' the person into thinking they are in a different world.  We might think of Avatar, or the Matrix when we think of virtual reality.  There was a (poor) virtual world in Second Life.

For gamers, virtual reality is a long hoped for concept.  Playing games where your character runs, jumps, etc - and living in a game where YOU run and jump are two different things.  

This article highlights some recent advances by a company called Oculus Rift make virtual reality more of a 'reality' as the graphics, motions are coming closer to human movements.  

But, not to be outdone, Sony is also moving farther into the VR world.  For game players, this can really be a 'game changer'!!!!

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