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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Distance Education - why

I have been a college educator since 1978 (that's 36 years).  Since 1995, I've taught online classes.  I have created my own webpages, my own online assessment and quizzes - long before CMS (course management systems) like Blackboard existed (but ... Blackboard does make things easier).  
In recent years, those online courses have become online programs.  Without actual numbers, 'almost' every campus in the United States seems to do distance education.  My former institution first delivered online courses in the summer to balance the desire of students to take summer classes - but be at home with a summer job.  The campus realized that students could take summer classes at local community colleges (talking mostly about general education) - but thought they could keep the campus faculty busy (and happy with summer checks) and enhance their revenue.

Success in the online courses naturally lead to more courses and to online programs.  My previous campus (note - I retired and I am a 'professor emeritus' from the campus) offers online programs only for graduate degrees currently (and I agree with that concept).  

The concept is that:
  1. Additional education is good
  2. An addtitional DEGREE is even better
  3. And ... being able to take courses and the entire program from home (or work or wherever) is very attractive.
  4. And ... the quality is considered equivalent

Traditional master's programs:
  1. The person works until 5:00 (or 5:30)
  2. Drives thru a fast-food restaurant - getting a beverage with extra caffeine (to stay awake through the night class)
  3. Goes to campus
  4. Circles the parking lot for 15 minutes to find a place to park (and either ends up at a very distant lot and walking, finding a close place, or being late to class once he/she finds a place)
  5. Sits in class for three hours 
    1. The fast food is churning in his / her stomach
    2. The caffeinated beverage is keeping him / her awake
  6. Leaves class and drives home - getting home about 10:30 p.m.
  7. Dreads the early morning alarm 
  8. Can't fall asleep - the caffeine is still in his/her system - and the intellectual ideas are flowing 
More on distance education upcoming

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