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Monday, March 10, 2014

Business Intelligence

One of my MIS 374 Teams is working with a company that is using Tableau software for visual analysis and business intelligence (see: http://www.tableausoftware.com/

One of the big challenges in Business Intelligence is to get appropriate data - but to analyze it appropriately.  When I worked at Citibank, one of my projects was in capacity planning.  I analyzed processing time against data growth over a period of time and attempted to forecast when additional capacity would be needed.  (Of course, Moore's Law really handled the additional capacity issue with new hardware - but my analysis did help with that planning).

Business Intelligence promises so much - but it does depend on appropriate data AND appropriate analysis.  Tableau's strength seems to be in the presentation of the analysis - visual presentation (i.e. what has been called the "Balanced Scorecard" approach).  Independent reviews seem to suggest that Tableau meets those needs and helps the companies (and analysts) to find those concepts that may lead to trends and to information that can give a competitive advantage.

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