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Thursday, May 23, 2013

3D printing saves a life

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Let's be honest - I think 3D printing is an exciting new technique - and I can picture it as a great game changer in the future.  If the cost and processing come down, it might be a real inventory 'game changer' for auto shops, for replacement parts - and more.  (In a previous post I talked about how they have made 3D guns)

But in this case - 3D printing saved a child's life.  Seemingly Kaiba Gionfriddo (the child) has a rare condition where his air tube gets pressure from blood vessels and constricts so the child can't breathe.  The hospital did modeling and a the University of Michigan designed a specialized device to keep his airways open - and they printed it with a 3D printer.

And ... all is well!!!  

So ... put 3D printing on your radar - it already is a game changer for one family!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is right that 3D printing is one of technically advanced technology and it gives you great result as well.

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