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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Kids not on Facebook as much!!!

Taken from: 

This article states:
Has your Facebook feed become quieter lately? Once the hub of communication, it seems that the majority of people posting are Martha Stewart, your sister-in-law who wants you to play Bubble Witch Saga and your old high school friends that you haven't seen in years. Where are the kids, the ones who are supposed to set the trends for all of us in technology and style?
They're still there, but aren't talking. As a parent, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Consider this exchange on Reddit, following news that Facebook was concerned it was losing younger users to alternate networks.
"It's never been the same since my mother and college professors friended me," poster ihcun wrote. And to that, fizzbar said, "That's why it's called Mombook now...." 
"Mombook"????  Really???

Okay, I've friended a lot of students (okay - college students might be different than middle school / high school students).  But, yes, I can see how it could be 'mombook' - my sister is on Facebook maybe 8 hours a day.  She plays Words with Friends; she comments on any of my posts or posts of any of my family.  My son-in-law and I had a bet that she would like or comment on a post he made within five minutes (and I thought not) - he won!!!

The article goes on to say that teens are turning to:

  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Reddit
  • and others
But ... who knows ... in the long run that might be better for the financial success of Facebook (i.e. 'moms' and adults - who spend money) rather than just the teen group.  I guess we'll see.  Excuse me, I have to go to "Mombook" and take my turn in Words with Friends!!!

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