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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Google Skunk Works

Bloomberg Business Week recently had a front page cover (and related article) on Google Labs:http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-05-22/inside-googles-secret-lab
In the spirit of older, more traditional "Skunk Works" (not that Skunk works were ever traditional); Google is going full out.  
As one of there executives said: “Anything which is a huge problem for humanity we’ll sign up for, if we can find a way to fix it,”

While this blog isn't necessarily going to point out all that Google does; it is to applaud the innovation and thinking behind the developments.  I love entrepreneurship - thinking / ideas / creativity!!!  Edison took thousands of attempts to make the light bulb (and so many other things).  The Wright Brothers believed in their idea to make an airplane.  These are the game changers of history.

And ... Google labs is already putting its name out there as a "Game Changer"!!!  (Bring on my Google Glasses and my driver-less car!!!  WOOO!!!!)

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