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Monday, October 21, 2013

The Million Dollar Opportunity!!!

Taken from:

The article starts with this paragraph:
As long ago as 2008, the Royal Shakespeare Company in the U.K. saw a 50 percent increase in ticket sales at one of its theaters – following an investment in an analytics program that helped it identify specific audience segments for targeted marketing campaigns.

The article (of course) is on Business Intelligence - and it is a growing business.  Many universities (including the University of Texas-Austin and Quinnipiac University) have recently added business intelligence / business analytics master's programs. 

With abundant data, and the right software, one can start to analyze relationships - is there a relationship between (say) age of the mother and autism?  Or with diet of the mother and autism?  Or with genetics and autism? Or with the mother having flu while she was pregnant and autism? Or the amount of carbonated beverages that mother drinks and autism? - OR ... so many other factors that could be investigated.  

As a parallel, the Irish potato famine was caused by an airborne pathogen - that could have been solved with small doses of trace minerals - but ... the data and relationship between the disease and certain minerals was not able to be studied.  With business intelligence, the data could be analyzed and the problem solved early on!!!

So, business intelligence / data analytics is here to stay and WILL be a game-changer for many problems!!!

Biking technology coming to US

Taken from

There are a lot of technology gadgets for exercise - Nike has a chip for running; various devices are available to monitor heart rate and effort.  

Now VeloComputer has a device that can measure distance down to the centimeter, plus the inclination of the road, the energy expended and more.  The device interfaces to Android smartphones and interfaces to standard packages like Training Peaks, Strava, Garmin Connect and others.

The price for the basis model is estimated at $79 - and should be a great way to keep track of your workout!!

Apple to announce new products

Taken from: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/apple-likely-unveil-lot-tuesday-probably-no-october-surprise-8C11428866

Over the years, Apple has had major public announcements.  In the past, Apple announced new phones, tablets, and more.

This time around, Apple seems to have updates (but not anything earth shaking).

Items being discussed include:
  • New iPad
  • New iPad mini - with a better display
  • Keeping the old iPad Mini - at a cheapter price - to compete against cheaper tablets
  • New iMacPro - made in the USA
  • New software for the iMacPro - maps and iBooks
The October announcements tend to fuel the Christmas shopping season - so ... we'll have to see (a) what exactly Apple announces; and (b) how that impacts the shopping season!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Rhinos to get Microchips

Taken from:  

We have talked about RFID chips - now the rhinos are getting chipped!!!  Poaching has been a big problem for rhinos and elephants (their tusks sell for big dollars on the black market).  It this can stop (or lessening) the poaching problem, then it has been a success.  

Google Stock Prices soar

Taken from: 

The article notes:

Google shares jumped to an all-time high above $1,000 on Friday after the search engine giant reported a surge in mobile and video advertising that helped drive quarterly revenue up 23 percent. 

While most of us are familiar with the Google of free searches, obviously they have to make money somehow - in order to fund such things as Google Glasses, Google's self driving car, Google Maps, all the servers and electricity to run those servers.  As a big consumer of Google's products, I think it is great that their stock (and their services) are doing quite well!!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Apple will struggle to find new buyers for iPhone

Taken from: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425582,00.asp

The article suggests that most iPhone sales in the future will come from replacements / upgrades rather than new purchases.

The article noted:
An interesting new report from Sanford Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi suggests that Apple might be on the cusp of seeing a drop in new iPhone buyers.
The news doesn't suggest a drop in the popularity of the iPhone. Rather, many people already have one, so Apple will soon be selling more devices to upgraders rather than new iPhone customers. According to Sacconaghi, the percentage of "net new iPhone customers" is set to shrink approximately 13 percent between 2012 and 2013, dropping from 62 percent to just around 54 percent.
Going forward, those numbers will drop to 37 percent in 2014 and a mere 28 percent in 2015. Concurrently, iPhone "replacement" purchases will jump up to nearly 3/4 of everything Apple's selling by 2015.
We talked about switching power.  My guess is that the great majority of the population has smart phones.  But, Android phone users would have to learn a new environment if they switched to the iPhone; and (likewise) iPhone users would have to learn a new environment if they switched to a different type phone.  And ... is the competition over for Blackberry, Microsoft Windows Phones and others?  

Microsoft to ship Windows 7 soon?

Taken from: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9243188/Microsoft_ships_tool_to_block_IE11_on_Windows_7

As Microsoft releases new Windows software, it frequently blocks automatic updates to Internet Explorer:

The article notes:

The toolkit blocks automatic upgrading of older editions of Internet Explorer to IE11 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 through the operating systems' built-in Automatic Update service. Companies that rely on Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or System Center 2012 do not need the toolkit since they can manage the deployment of IE11 using those tools.
Individuals can also use the toolkit to keep IE11 off their Windows machines without disabling Automatic Updates for all other Microsoft software.
This generally relates more to corporate subscribers - to keep older (solid) versions of Internet Explorer while updating the rest of the software.

Meanwhile, for personal computers, Windows 8 is available - for PC's and for mobile devices.  It enables touch screen computing (like iPhone and others)

Windows 8 was released to mixed reception. Although reaction towards its performance improvements, security enhancements, and improved support for touchscreen devices was positive, the new user interface of the operating system was widely criticized for being potentially confusing and difficult to learn (especially when used with a keyboard and mouse instead of a touchscreen). Despite these shortcomings, 60 million Windows 8 licenses have been sold through January 2013, a number which included both upgrades and sales to OEMs for new PCs.[5]
To survive all companies have to innovate, change, adapt to the current marketplace (something Dell failed to do).  With these upgrades, Microsoft indicates it is STILL a viable and solid company in the computing field.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Computer Error"?

Taken from:


Seemingly Thrifty Car Rental sent out a massive email to customers indicating they were getting a free day of car rental!!!  Hurray!!!

BUT ... it was a mistake.  They only wanted to send the note to their BEST customers.

So, a 'computer mistake'?  Not really.  Somebody (a human) had to select the data to use (SQL query most likely) - and they screwed up!!!

It reminds me of when I worked at Citibank's credit card division.  A letter was prepared to go out to best customer, who paid on time, great credit scores, etc. Unfortunately the letters were printed, envelops and addresses prepared for the opposite end of the spectrum - the deadbeats, bad credit, late payments, poor credit history.  In that case, it was caught just before the letters went out the door.

In my biased view, Thrifty could have saved face a little (instead of ticking people off) by saying - "Hey, we made a mistake, but ... we are willing to stand up for it.  If you rent three consecutive days from us, we will give you a free day!!! "  It might be a way to keep customers from thinking - first OMG I got a free day - second - boy Thrifty is messed up - third I won't be renting from them anymore!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Blocking communication

Taken from:

In the west, very few things on the Internet are blocked.  But, in Saudi Arabia that seemingly is different.  The article tells how the government Communication and Information Technology Commission have blocked Viper and are looking to block WhatsApp and Skype.  The offense?  Seemingly, they all allow for free communication - and seemingly that alarms the three telecom companies in Saudi Arabia (who would lose revenue).

The article notes:
Mobile penetration was 188 percent by the end of 2012, CITC data shows. Saudi Arabia now has 15.8 million Internet subscribers and the average user watches three times as many online videos per day as counterparts in the United States, according to YouTube.

The kingdom appears to be making a greater push for more control over cyberspace as Internet and smart phone usage soars, in part due to strict laws that limit opportunities for people to mix in person 

So, in the western world, the telecom companies have become part of the smartphone business - and who cares if A&T or Verizon get as much in long distance charges - because they are making good money on smartphone contracts.

The article also mentioned that many workers in Saudi Arabia are not Saudis - and they are texting, emailing, and Skyping for free with family and friends back home (and not using the local telecom services!!!) 

Friday, June 07, 2013

Privacy versus Need to Know

Taken from:

The article says:

Computerworld - President Barack Obama today forcefully defended the government's data collection activities, calling them vital to protecting the nation against terrorist attacks.
"It is important to recognize that you can't have 100% security and also then have 100% privacy and zero inconvenience," Obama said. "We are going to have to make some choices as a society. What I can say is that, when evaluating the programs, they make a difference in our capacity to anticipate and prevent terrorist activity."
Obama's remarks are his first public comments since The Guardian on Wednesday disclosed how the NSA was collecting phone data records of all domestic and international calls made by every single Verizon customer since at least April under a secret court order. Since then, there have been at least two other reports, one by The Washington Post and the other by the Wall Street Journal, that have exposed similar large-scale data collection operations by the FBI and the NSA.
There is an old statement (that is no-longer true) - on the Internet, no one knows you are a dog.

That is no longer true - with cookies, identification of internet service providers, and much more, there is little privacy.  Even if you go go "incognito" (Google Chrome); "Private Browsing" (Firefox) or similar, you are known.

As I have traveled this summer, I find ads (frequently even the same ads) adjusted for my location.  "If you drive in <state>, you need to be aware of this new law".

I am not going to try it, but I would anticipate if I search for how to make a device that could cause a large conflagration (in other words), that I would be on somebody's list!!! 

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Your IT department won't exist in five years!!!!

Taken from:

What an interesting article and approach (especially for bigger businesses - with huge IT departments).  

[...]they are not sure how to address a growing generation gap between young and veteran workers, each of whom are comfortable with different technologies.
"Interns coming in for the summer are asked if they're familiar with Google Apps. They say, 'Of course we are,'" said Nathan McBride, vice president of IT & chief cloud architect at AMAG Pharmaceuticals. "Then we have other employees coming in who worked for other companies who say, 'I need Outlook.' We have to say we don't use that anymore."
McBride said 75 Fortune 100 companies now use Google Apps along with most Ivy League schools, meaning that the next generation of workers won't be users of Microsoft Exchange or Office.
In five years, McBride said, companies will have to ensure they're matching their enabling technology to the demographic of that time.
Kathleen Schaub, vice president of research firm IDC's CMO Advisory Practice, said many corporate IT organizations now report to the head of the business unit it's assigned to."

The article suggests that some functions (maybe legacy systems and systems analysis and design and back end mainframe processing) will be lead by the older generation, but the new tablet / smartphone / apps will be done by the new generation.

While I am definitely in the older generation, being a professor does keep me current with the new technologies.  I might be able to bridge the generation gap!!!

Charge your phone in 20 seconds???

Taken from:


Interesting!!!  Does your phone die and then you have to take an hour to charge it?  This young lady has ideas for 20 second charging - and more.  While the article didn't tell us how, it did indicate that there are still many 'game changing' ideas around us!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Google Skunk Works

Bloomberg Business Week recently had a front page cover (and related article) on Google Labs:http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-05-22/inside-googles-secret-lab
In the spirit of older, more traditional "Skunk Works" (not that Skunk works were ever traditional); Google is going full out.  
As one of there executives said: “Anything which is a huge problem for humanity we’ll sign up for, if we can find a way to fix it,”

While this blog isn't necessarily going to point out all that Google does; it is to applaud the innovation and thinking behind the developments.  I love entrepreneurship - thinking / ideas / creativity!!!  Edison took thousands of attempts to make the light bulb (and so many other things).  The Wright Brothers believed in their idea to make an airplane.  These are the game changers of history.

And ... Google labs is already putting its name out there as a "Game Changer"!!!  (Bring on my Google Glasses and my driver-less car!!!  WOOO!!!!)

A reminder

Taken from: 

The article starts with this background:
The embattled dean of Harvard College, Evelynn Hammonds, announced on Tuesday that she will step down this summer, following months of controversy over her decision to authorize secret searches of faculty email.
Hammonds, who will remain a professor at the prestigious university, had given conflicting accounts about her decision to scan the subject lines of email accounts belonging to 16 deans, in search of correspondence relating to a major cheating scandal among Harvard students. She apologized to the faculty last month.
The e-mail search was apparently aimed at tracking correspondence between faculty and reporters for the school newspaper, the Harvard Crimson, who were investigating allegations that dozens of students cheated on a take-home final exam in a government class last spring. 
But ... in court-case after court-case, businesses have the right to search, archive, etc. email.  Not that I have anything of a negative nature in my email, but if Quinnipiac University wants to search my email - go ahead!!!

But ...another question might be with a non-business email (I use Gmail) - again, not that I have anything to hide there - can my company look at my Gmail account - especially if I open it while on campus - on a campus provided laptop?  It might be an interesting case, but I'm guessing my employer has the right to do that as well!!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

3D printing saves a life

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Let's be honest - I think 3D printing is an exciting new technique - and I can picture it as a great game changer in the future.  If the cost and processing come down, it might be a real inventory 'game changer' for auto shops, for replacement parts - and more.  (In a previous post I talked about how they have made 3D guns)

But in this case - 3D printing saved a child's life.  Seemingly Kaiba Gionfriddo (the child) has a rare condition where his air tube gets pressure from blood vessels and constricts so the child can't breathe.  The hospital did modeling and a the University of Michigan designed a specialized device to keep his airways open - and they printed it with a 3D printer.

And ... all is well!!!  

So ... put 3D printing on your radar - it already is a game changer for one family!!!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Basketball sensors can be 'game changers'!!!

Taken from: 

The article explains that new micro sensors have been embedded in basketballs and can - in real time - collect, analysis and send information to smartphones!!!  This could help a basketball player who is just a little off today - correct his (her) aim / conditions.  

As a fan, I've watched some basketball players send up 'brick' after 'brick' - shooting about 10% - this might help them to see that they need more arc, more 'umphh', adjust more to the left (or right).  

The article goes on even more - to suggest that such sensors can help any activity.  Jogging, this might collect data that your right foot is slightly too open and hurting your stride; golf - your follow thru is cutting across the ball (and getting a slice).

Maybe my typing is just a little too strong on the right hand and I should do some exercises to strength my left hand typing skills!!!

Android Phones!!!

Taken from:

The article notes:
"According to Schmidt,there are now 1.5 million new Android devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) activated every single day. At that pace, Google is seeing more than 10 million new devices per week."
"We'll cross 1 billion Android devices in six to nine months," said Schmidt. (There are about 750 million Android devices out there at the moment.) "In a year or two, we'll hit two billion. And the way that's going to happen is with the debut of low-end devices from manufacturers, primarily in Asia. If low-end smartphones are inexpensive now, imagine just how inexpensive they'll be a few years from now. And that's how we're going to hit the next billion devices." 
WOW!!!  I find that mind boggling !!  

So, the world is going to Android - and that would imply Android tablets, PC's and more.  Move over Apple / Dell / Microsoft - Android is coming!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Apple passed 50 BILLION downloads!!!

Taken from:
The article notes:

The App Store opened in July 2008 with 500 apps, and now offers over 850,000 apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
"The App Store completely transformed how people use their mobile devices and created a thriving app ecosystem that has paid out over nine billion dollars to developers," Cue said.
Customers download over 800 apps per second from the App Store at a rate of two billion apps per month.
WOW - that is a huge amount!!!  Two billion a month.  I have about 40 apps on my iPhone / iPad - I think I need some more!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Google Driverless car

Taken from:http://www.forbes.com/sites/chunkamui/2013/04/02/googles-driverless-car-is-just-one-of-many-looming-disruptions/

The article notes: 

The “driverless car” will likewise change dynamics in the economy and in our personal lives in ways that are hard to predict at this remove. (The device will also get a real name, focused on what it is or does, not on what it lacks.)
In reality over the years, there have been many 'game changers' - including (if you will) the car.  The 'horseless carriage' absolutely changed how we did things.  Will the driverless car change things?  Absolutely!!  I (at times) want to think as a 'futurist' - so ... in say (20 years) - all cars are driveless - what will that mean?  Transportation will change - just say "go to <place>" and it goes - talk on your phone (if we still have phones), watch TV or videos - and let the car do its thing!!!

Life and technology can change!!! 

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Nordstroms tracking customer's cell phone usage!!!

Taken from: 

The lead paragraphs set the tone:
"You've spent quite some time in the lingerie department, but you haven't even peeked at our display of Bose® 'OE2' Audio Headphones, which were $149.95 but are now ONLY $134.96! Can we talk?"
OK, so that's not exactly what Nordstrom says it's planning to do with the information it gleans from tracking customers' movements throughout their stores.
But it certainly could market that aggressively, now that the department store - purveyor of apparel, shoes, jewelry, and the like - has implemented technology to track how much time you spend in specific departments within 17 stores in the US."
So, Nordstroms can track your phone (not your personal information as you walk through their store.  They can see how much time you spend in particular departments.  This might help them to better show the merchandise - departments that didn't have much time spend in them might not have attractive posters and displays.

But ... in a bigger sense, this is another "big brother is watching you" syndrome!!!  

Tablets, Tablets - everywhere!!!

Taken from:

The article states:
By now, it's a fait accompli that tablet sales will surpass those of the PC. The only question that remains is: When?
That day is not too far away, if a head analyst at technology incubator BitChemy Ventures is to be believed. According to Singh's projections, global tablet shipments will increase to nearly 80 million in the fourth quarter, while PC shipments will slide to around 70 million to 75 million.
 The article discusses that Google based tablets are expected to take a larger market share - and Apple's market share is going to decline.  But, the author also suggests that while Apple is pushing cheaper and smaller versions, in the long run, the tablet market is controlled by Apple.

As I reflect on Apple - others made MP3 players, but the iPod is the champion; others make phones, but the iPhone is still a popular item (maybe not quite the champion worldwide); and in tablets, the iPad is still the unit to beat!!!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Kids not on Facebook as much!!!

Taken from: 

This article states:
Has your Facebook feed become quieter lately? Once the hub of communication, it seems that the majority of people posting are Martha Stewart, your sister-in-law who wants you to play Bubble Witch Saga and your old high school friends that you haven't seen in years. Where are the kids, the ones who are supposed to set the trends for all of us in technology and style?
They're still there, but aren't talking. As a parent, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Consider this exchange on Reddit, following news that Facebook was concerned it was losing younger users to alternate networks.
"It's never been the same since my mother and college professors friended me," poster ihcun wrote. And to that, fizzbar said, "That's why it's called Mombook now...." 
"Mombook"????  Really???

Okay, I've friended a lot of students (okay - college students might be different than middle school / high school students).  But, yes, I can see how it could be 'mombook' - my sister is on Facebook maybe 8 hours a day.  She plays Words with Friends; she comments on any of my posts or posts of any of my family.  My son-in-law and I had a bet that she would like or comment on a post he made within five minutes (and I thought not) - he won!!!

The article goes on to say that teens are turning to:

  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Reddit
  • and others
But ... who knows ... in the long run that might be better for the financial success of Facebook (i.e. 'moms' and adults - who spend money) rather than just the teen group.  I guess we'll see.  Excuse me, I have to go to "Mombook" and take my turn in Words with Friends!!!

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

3D gun printing

3D printing is definitely a game changing technology.  

In the past week, a man used a 3D printing machine to 'print' a homemade gun.  He also fired it successfully. The author (Paul Hsieh) points out:

"Wilson’s innovation could thus spark a much-needed re-examination of American gun laws, including the current paradigm of imposing ever-increasing restrictions on millions of honest gun owners in an attempt to stop relatively fewer bad guys from committing gun crimes. By making it harder (if not nearly impossible) for the government to regulate gun possession and transfers, his development could move the government to instead (properly) focus its efforts on punishing gun misuse."
It does open a dialog.  This could be the time to move towards gun misuse.  Although 3D printing machines are on the expensive side, it is NOT too expensive - see this article: http://compare.ebay.com/like/160906631997?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar - which shows a 3D printer for about $1400.  

If you haven't kept up on 3D printers, basically they can print a part, or any particular item - probably as a plastic device.  That might be a good thing for the mechanic working on a 1936 Chevy coupe and can't find the right part (but can get a 3D print version of the part) - or similar situations.

It will be an interesting dialog!!!  Bring it on!!!

Saturday, May 04, 2013

8 Best Tech Products from Mobile World Congress

Taken from: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/gadgetbox/8-best-tech-products-mobile-world-congress-1C8645570

Tablet Computers are taking off.  For this blog post, I chose to look at the Sony Xperia Tablet Z.

The article states:
At just 0.3 inches thick, Sony’s Xperia Tablet Z may be the “world’s thinnest tablet,” but that isn’t the only reason it takes home the prize for Best Large Tablet of Mobile World Congress 2013. This 10-incher packs a gorgeous 1920 x 1080-pixel display with a 20 percent greater color gamut than Apple’s iPad, thanks to Sony’s Bravia Engine technology. And with a powerful quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor, the Xperia Z has enough muscle to take on the toughest tasks.
Oh, and did we mention the whole thing goes underwater? That’s right, the Xperia Z can take a dip in up to 6 inches of water for 30 minutes. Rounding out this tablet’s top-tier features are an integrated IR blaster and Sony’s SideView app, which allows you to see what’s on TV and change the channel.
We know that Apple does control the Tablet market with the iPad and iPad mini.  Here is a a tablet that is slightly bigger than the iPad 9 inch unit.

My bias is that it will be hard to overtake Apple, but ... this seems to be a reasonable start!!!