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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Need an organ transplant - want to donate? Use Facebook

Taken from:

The article has this:
Right now, nearly 114,000 people in the United States are waiting for organ transplants to save their lives. Tens of thousands more are in need of tissue, bone and cornea transplants to restore their mobility or sight. Facebook has decided to do something about the constant shortage of donors.
The company has announced that members can now declare their desire to be an organ donor on their Facebook page. According to a press release signed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, "…by simply telling people that you're an organ donor, the power of sharing and connection can play an important role." 
 The author (an M.D.) thinks that is a great idea - DMV is not the place to get people to sign up to donate - and maybe Facebook isn't the ideal place - but it is THE PLACE for almost anything social - and signup - and getting your friends to say "yes - I'm willing to donate" can be powerful.

The article also notes:
Since most Americans say they do want to donate when they die -- a Gallup study found 95 percent support organ donation -- and since most families, when asked, do consent to donation by a loved one, why the poor donor card rates?
So ... put you want to be an organ donor on Facebook (and ... on your driver's license) 

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