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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

CIO mobile apps - part II

Taken from: 

While I am taking these pretty much straight from the article, they do seem to be a great set of materials - and most are free!!!

Developer: AirWatch LLC
Price: Free
Yes, it’s another mobile device management application, this one from AirWatch. In addition to all the usual MDM features (i.e., IT policy enforcement, over-the-air enrollment, remote lock and wipe, etc.), AirWatch also features GPS tracking and mapping, intelligent notifications, and centralized, over-the-air configurations management.

Developer: BoardVantage
Price: Free
BoardVantage isn’t just any collaboration app: It’s a collaboration app for boards of directors. That means it has more extensive security policies to meet regulatory requirements, and is thus SAS70 Type II-certified. If you’re a CIO looking to buy iPads for other higher-ups in the company, this is an app you’ll definitely want to explore. Although the app is free to download, it does require a subscription to use.

Developer: Dropbox
Price: Free
Ah, who doesn’t love Dropbox? Your employees will be happy to upload any documents, presentations, pictures and videos onto Dropbox where they’ll be able to access them from anywhere. The app automatically saves any documents you’ve created onto any device that has Dropbox installed, so when you change something at home it will appear that way when you go to work the next morning.

Developer: MicroStrategy Inc.
Price: Free
MicroStrategy Mobile is a business intelligence app that comes with all the usual fixings, including access to business reports, KPIs, documents and dashboards. This particular version has been customized for the iPad’s multitouch screen, thus giving users the ability to use multitouch when editing graphs, charts, maps and other key visual aids.

Developer: TIBCO Software
Price: Free
Spotfire specializes in helping users visualize large and complex volumes of data by letting them aggregate and plug it into a filter to create bar charts, scatter plots, tree maps, box plots, map charts and any number of different visuals depending on your needs. The app can directly access corporate data sources such as spread sheets, meaning you won’t have to manually enter in data for all the nice charts you’re designing.

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