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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Google Search reads your mind????

Taken from: 

Thanks to what's called Knowledge Graph, Google Search results will now include a little sidebar which allows you to choose from the various meanings of the term you searched for.
Some words have various (and diverse) meanings.  The article used "bears" - so ... do you want the animal; the Chicago football team; the investors who want to sell stocks; or the singular - bear left, bear with me, and more.  (When I searched for "bears", the seventh search result was for 'bears' - images - and the first three were my family - taken at "Three Bears Falls" - on Maui!!!)

So, Knowledge Graph will attempt to clarify what you are looking for.  It should be interesting.

While this article didn't go into "artificial intelligence", there is a wealth of knowledge that would suggest that if you have searched for football teams in the past, and have never looked for animals, then ... the Chicago Bears is probably the best search result.

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