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Monday, January 16, 2012

Microsoft Comeback in 2012 (??)

Taken from:

"Look, it's not as if Microsoft lacks for money ($70 billion in revenue in 2011). Yet the Redmond-based company has been getting its butt kicked over the past decade in emerging markets as Apple, Google and Amazon became mobile and cloud computing innovators. If there was any year for Microsoft to break out of it "profitable but boring" pigeon hole, this is it."

Let's see .. profitable but boring - is that Microsoft? We all use Microsoft Office. PC users user the Microsoft Operating Systems (unless you install Linux). Yes, a bit on the boring side.

But ... the article highlights some Microsoft activities at the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Two new Windows phones (but ... still less than Android or Apple); XBox Kinect (okay - that is more than boring); and ... work towards a 'real' (functional, competitive) Windows tablet.

Having been a PC user all my life (my iPad is more of a novelty yet), and loving two buttons (click and right click - and not knowing how to do it on a Mac), I do hope that Microsoft does make a comeback in 2012!!!! (Bill Gates or not ...). Maybe I am the geek on the old Mac versus PC commercials!!!

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