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Friday, January 13, 2012

Google Social Search - part II

(see previous blog post).

The article suggests four things:

1) No one can see your private content (unless you have shared them)
2) You don't have to see private results - there are icons on the search menu to show - or not show the private results. You can also log out of Google (logout / close Gmail / Google Plus / etc.) and the searches will not include the private results. So, if you don't want to see Jane Doe's Milky Way pictures, use the option to not show private results
3) You can manage the Google+ information (such as people that you don't know well always showing up in your search results - you can take them out of your circles or choose to ignore them)
4) You don't have to appear in autocomplete lists (you can opt out by changing your profile - so that it doesn't get indexed by search engines [aka Google])

There is an adage - what goes onto the web, stays on the web!!! Thorough sites like the "Wayback Machine" http://www.archive.org/web/web.php - you can find what websites looked like sometime in the past. So, even if you deleted that embarrassing picture from that wild party five years ago, it still exists ... someplace on the web!!! (Scary thought for some of us!!)

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