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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Next password??

Taken from:  http://redtape.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/25/14074229-why-your-next-passw0rd-might-not-be-a-password?lite

The article noted that passwords can be a problem.  We need something to secure data and access to accounts, but currently is is something we know.  The article noted that "LINK" is the most common password for LinkedIn followed by 1234.

Biometrics are generally much more secure - but might have some minor problems (cut off my hand and put my finger on the fingerprint reader - or cut out my eye and put it up to the retina scan).

The article noted:

"Text passwords are unsafe, fingerprints and retinas can be faked. So how do you make an unbreakable password? A Canadian inventor is developing a biometric monitor that fits inside a shoe that he says is unhackable. Doors open for you — and nobody else."
The reasoning is that humans eventually develop a walking pattern.  This pattern is both biometric - but something we do.  So, you can cut off my feet and put them up against the door, but it won't open - but if I walk up to the door, it can sense my feet - and my pattern (gait) of walking!!  The concept is: "The system uses a "BioSole" inserted into shoes to assess a wearer’s gait, matching that distinctive pattern against an existing record to verify the person’s identity."

So ... I hope I don't sprain my knee - or have to have crutches, the gate might not recognize my gait!!!

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