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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Getting off the upgrade treadmill

Taken from: http://lifehacker.com/5942915/how-to-get-off-the-upgrade-treadmill-and-stop-wasting-money-on-new-tech

So, yes, Apple has introduced a new iPhone 5 (finally some say); Amazon has a new Kindle Fire HD; and a new Barnes and Noble Nook to be released soon - let alone a new laptop, new gaming device, new ABC and new XYZ!!!

In the article, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon states:

We don't need you to be on the upgrade treadmill. If we made our money when people bought the device, we'd be rolling out programs left and right to try to get you to upgrade. In fact, we're happy that people are still using Kindle Ones that are five years old. They're still reading on them, and every time they buy a book, that's good for us. That's alignment.
They (Amazon) can still make money even if they don't sell you a new device - as they tie it back to you buying a new e-book from them (or many new e-books).

Americans have followed a "keep up with the Jones" philosophy - do you want to look out-of-step if you don't have the latest and greatest phone, device, tablet, computer?

Many of the upgrades are really only incremental changes - faster, slimmer, uses less power.  But, not quite the dynamic 'game changer' event.   Is an new iPhone or whatever going to make a significant difference for you?  The article noted: "an iPhone 4 is still a fantastic phone capable of running the same apps the new iPhone 5 can."

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