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Sunday, September 09, 2012

3D printing

Taken from:  http://www.nhregister.com/articles/2012/09/09/opinion/doc504bbb80f0bdd642456513.txt

Say I’m in California and you’re in New York. And I send you a valve to replace the one in your car that broke; or a pair of corrective eyeglasses customized to your specifications, when all you’ve given me is the prescription; or — yes, this is being explored — they transmit a body organ to replace one of yours that is defective.

That is the promise of 3D printing - an exciting development if you stop and think about it.  The airplane needs a part to fly - zap - the part is sent electronically and printed in the machine shop / storage area of the airport and immediately put into service.  As the article suggests, you need a kidney - and an appropriate donor just died in remote Montana.  Zap - the kidney is sent to the printer (not printing with ink and paper, but with cells, DNA, and whatever materials.  (Seemingly still a ways off).

(Hmmm ... it's Saturday night and your party has run out of beer.  Set up your 3D printer and print more!!! )

1 comment:

blazermeep said...

Sounds cool, but I bet the cartridge refills are astronomical :P