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Monday, February 13, 2012

Tablet wars - continued

In the slide show from eweek:


The slide show notes that the Apple iPad is the overwhelming leader in the tablet market (very true) - but suggests (like my last post) that Apple needs to be proactive if they want to keep that lead.  The iPad 2 is a minimal upgrade to the iPad 1 - and the on-the-horizon iPad 3 is still unknown, but probably not 'earth shaking'.

Some of the suggestions include:

  • Price!!  (The Kindle Fire is $199, the iPad is $499 and up)
  • Improvements / innovations - if Apple can push the envelope, the iPad 3 could really push the other tablets into oblivion
  • Size - the Kindle Fire is smaller - but that can be attractive (especially with the price)
  • Quality - if Android tablets can continue to grow in quality, features (and a better price), watch out Apple!!
  • ENTERPRISE, ENTERPRISE, ENTERPRISE - tablets are nice, but they currently are nicer for reading books, getting the news, email, facebook (and facetime) on a screen that is larger than a phone - but to really catch on, they need to be in corporate America - with Enterprise apps (can anyone say SAP on the iPad?)
  • Integrated services - Apple and Amazon have great integration - with the iTunes store, apps store, etc - or with the Amazon services - cloud, books, store and more.  Tablets need to have features!!

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