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Sunday, February 19, 2012

iPad Mini at $299?????

Taken from:

One analyst said: "Her reasoning was based on tablet numbers from the fourth quarter of 2011.
During those three months, Apple's share of all tablet unit sales dropped to 57% from the prior quarter's 64% as lower-priced rivals, particularly the Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble's Nook tablets, sold in volume."

An iPad mini with a much smaller screen (almost 8 inches as compared to the 9.7 inch full version) (and probably smaller internal memory), but with full color, full internet would be more attractive than the Kindle Fire (priced about $199).  For those that like to read ebooks (my wife is among those) - getting too small of a screen is a problem, but a 7.9 inch screen should be reasonable and competitive with the Kindle and other similar smaller tablets.  

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