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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New iPad release on March 7th

Taken from:

The article states: ""We have something you really have to see. And touch," Apple said today in an invitation, which features a picture of an iPad screen. The new device will sport a high-definition display, run a faster processor and work with speedier wireless networks, people familiar with the product said last month. 

After pioneering the tablet market two years ago, Apple is counting on the new model to beat back competition from newer devices running Google Inc's Android software. The company has sold more than 55 million iPads, generating at least $34.5 billion in revenue. Amazon.com Inc's Kindle Fire, which uses Android, emerged as the iPad's biggest rival over the holiday shopping season last year. "

In some respects the "Tablet Wars" haven't really taken off.  It is the Apple iPad versus the other tablets.  At this stage (third iPad), the market is all Apple.  The Kindle Fire and the Barnes and Noble Nook are mostly e-readers and the newer versions are approaching the multitasking nature of the iPad, but are not there yet.  There is the Samsung Galaxy tablet - which approaches the website of the iPad, but really doesn't complete.  

Still tuned - tablets will continue to be hot news for a long time!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is investing in Facebook wise?

Taken from:

The article notes that Facebook makes about 85% of its revenue from advertising.  It further suggests that that is a lot of dependence on one source of revenue and that while in the short run emotional trading may happen as people want to "own a piece" of Facebook, in the long run, that heavy dependence on advertising could weaken.

For a bystander - I've seen the rise of Facebook (and other social networking sites) and at the time think not much is going to slow it down; but also as a realist, think that in (say) 10 years, Facebook maybe passe and the 'next big thing' will be getting the advertising dollars (look at MySpace for a similar example)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Barnes and Noble Nook - attempts to get back in the Tablet market

The Kindle Fire is a nice e-reader that is attempting to be in the low-end tablet market (but ... in this authors estimation not quite a tablet like the iPad).  It is priced at $199.  Barnes and Noble recently reduced the price on it's color Nook e-reader to $169.  (The illustration below is a bit older showing similarities).

Can the Nook compete?  Only time will tell - but Amazon has more resources, and the Apple iPad has more apps (from the iPhone) ready to go!!

Doing Windows apps on a iPad???

Taken from:

Absolutely you can do Windows Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) on an iPad.  The concept is to have a 'Virtual Desktop' in the cloud (for those reading this blog - and also in my graduate class, this was last week's assignment!!).  Some issues are the speed and the cost.  Tackling the cost first - the article says $5.99 a month.  The speed will depend on your connection - WiFi - or 3G / 4G connection.

So, you are a Windows user who wants to have the smaller, more portable (and ... many 'sexy') iPad - you don't have to change much - just get the Virtual Desktop and run with it!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

iPad Mini at $299?????

Taken from:

One analyst said: "Her reasoning was based on tablet numbers from the fourth quarter of 2011.
During those three months, Apple's share of all tablet unit sales dropped to 57% from the prior quarter's 64% as lower-priced rivals, particularly the Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble's Nook tablets, sold in volume."

An iPad mini with a much smaller screen (almost 8 inches as compared to the 9.7 inch full version) (and probably smaller internal memory), but with full color, full internet would be more attractive than the Kindle Fire (priced about $199).  For those that like to read ebooks (my wife is among those) - getting too small of a screen is a problem, but a 7.9 inch screen should be reasonable and competitive with the Kindle and other similar smaller tablets.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tracking (How Google Tracked Safari Users)

Taken from the Wall Street Journal:

First - how does Google make money?  They collect and use your information to have sponsored ads on places (like even this blog).  If you do a Google search, they put relevant information on the top of the search and collect because the company paid to be among the top results - and collect more if you click on the ad / link.

Safari was intended to not allow tracking software - so if you went to HomeDepot.Com and looks for a new kitchen countertop; and then used Google to search for countertops, Safari would not know that you had already been to HomeDepot.com.

BUT ... Google found a way around this with what acted like an 'invisible form' - but opened Safari to be tracked.

When the Wall Street Journal found this and asked, Google (supposedly) stopped this.

(For us PC users, I think everything I do is tracked - and I need to occasionally 'clean-out' my tracking cookies!)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

More Apple news

In a Wall Street Journal article, there was this note:  "Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook unveiled a new version of the company's Macintosh operating system that incorporates numerous features from the software that powers the iPhone and iPad.

The new features include Apple's messaging service, notifications app, gaming center, sharing features and integration with the company's online service iCloud."

For you Apple lovers out there, this can make a complete vertical line-up of products with common features:  the hand-held iPhone; the iPad table; the Mac notebooks, laptops and desktop units.

It will make it easy to go back and forth from one to another device!!!

iPad Trademark controversy

Taken from:

It seems like a Chinese company claims it has the rights to the name "iPad":

"A Chinese tech firm that says it owns the iPad trademark, plans to seek a ban on exports of Apple Inc's computer tablets from China, a lawyer for the company said."

The article indicates that Apple says they purchased the rights ("Apple said it had bought the worldwide rights to the trademark long ago."); but the article also states: "Apple lost a case to Proview Technology (Shenzhen) in a Shenzhen court in southern China late last year when the court agreed that Proview owned the iPad trademark."

The Proview Technology company is asking the Chinese import / export agents to stop Apple from shipping iPads out (or in) to China.

While Apple has had great successes lately (highest stock price ever, huge sales and profits); it also has problems (disputed use of child labor, and labor practices in China in general).

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Who knows, you might be using an "iTablet" (instead of an iPad) in the future!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tablet wars - continued

In the slide show from eweek:


The slide show notes that the Apple iPad is the overwhelming leader in the tablet market (very true) - but suggests (like my last post) that Apple needs to be proactive if they want to keep that lead.  The iPad 2 is a minimal upgrade to the iPad 1 - and the on-the-horizon iPad 3 is still unknown, but probably not 'earth shaking'.

Some of the suggestions include:

  • Price!!  (The Kindle Fire is $199, the iPad is $499 and up)
  • Improvements / innovations - if Apple can push the envelope, the iPad 3 could really push the other tablets into oblivion
  • Size - the Kindle Fire is smaller - but that can be attractive (especially with the price)
  • Quality - if Android tablets can continue to grow in quality, features (and a better price), watch out Apple!!
  • ENTERPRISE, ENTERPRISE, ENTERPRISE - tablets are nice, but they currently are nicer for reading books, getting the news, email, facebook (and facetime) on a screen that is larger than a phone - but to really catch on, they need to be in corporate America - with Enterprise apps (can anyone say SAP on the iPad?)
  • Integrated services - Apple and Amazon have great integration - with the iTunes store, apps store, etc - or with the Amazon services - cloud, books, store and more.  Tablets need to have features!!

iPhone 5 over iPhone 4.5 rumors

Taken from:

So, while not announced, it is a solid guess that Apple will release the iPhone 5 this year (the article suggests late summer).  While Apple is very tight lipped about what will be on the iPhone 5 as compared to the iPhone 4.5s, the authors have some suggestions:

  • The iPhone 4.5s is boring - do something to 'jazz' it up a little; have some design innovations, etc.
  • Consumers are vary of 'nominal' upgrades - the iPhone 4.5 was NOT all that earthshaking as compared to the iPhone 4.  Ho hum - another new iPhone - big deal (not).  Put some real new features and excitement into the phone
  • Competitors are gaining (if not ahead) of Apple - [the article suggested the LG Spectrum] - if Aapple wants to be viewed as progressive - or reactionary - might depend on what they do to the iPhone 5
  • Use a quad core processor (not just a dual core) 
  • Apple needs to improve its corporate / enterprise approach - (and take over the Blackberry market)
  • It must have 4G - bring it on!!!
The article (really slide show) suggests that Apple is losing its competitive edge with 'just another new iPhone' mentality - and needs to make a serious effort to make the iPhone 5 a leader in many ways!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

There's an App for that

Taken from:

The staff at Computerworld looked at some political apps for your phone (or tablet) and liked these:

  • CNN Mobile (although for CNN, you can get to the political discussions)
  • Election Caster - aggregation of other news feeds
  • New York Times Election 2012 app - 
  • PolitiFact Mobile
  • USA Election 2012
  • VoterMap
We'll be looking more at these in the next nine months!!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Google doing home entertainment?

Taken from:

The online Wall Street Journal indicates that Google will come out with a

"Google Inc. is developing a home-entertainment system that streams music wirelessly throughout the home and would be marketed under the company's own brand, according to people briefed on the company's plans."

Google, to this point, has worked with others on products, such as developing the Android operating system that is used on several phone systems.  To have their own brand is a change for them.  Google and Apple have been competitors in some markets and this (home entertainment) is an area rumored for Apple products as well.

Apple iPad3 to come in March??

Taken from:

The article (from a Dow-Jones source) indicated an early March announcement for the 3rd version of the iPad.
Among features anticipated is SIRI - the voice activated help function that came out with the iPhone 4.5S; and better screen resolution.

In the discussions are a smaller iPad tablet - probably later this spring.  In tablets, the iPad is definitely the leader in the marketplace.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Social Media at the Superbowl

The prediction is that Superbowl watchers (like my wife and myself) will be on Social Media during the game (like I am currently).  I have been on Facebook (and seen a lot of posts and comments (including, of course, the review of Madonna for the halftime show).  Almost all of the commercials give both a web address - and even a Twitter feed.

I have already been watching the commercials for a week - and talking about it in class!!!

How many of you were on line (and commenting, posting, tweeting, etc.) while watching the game?

Friday, February 03, 2012

More on Facebook IPO

Taken from:

There have been many comments about Facebook going 'public' - and the IPO (initial public offering).  There were some interesting factors in this article:
  • Facebook spent about $700,000 on a personal plane for Mark Zuckerberg (CEO) and Sheryl Sandberg (COO) - mostly for security reasons (would you recognize Zuckerberg if he was on a flight you were taking?  Would you want to talk to him if he was in the seat next to you on a plane?)
  • Zuckerberg also has a home security system (probably more than my little one) and security personnel 
  • The company is growing (about 50% growth last year)
  • Facebook is available in 70 languages (I'll have to try the Russian and German versions!!!)
  • It spent about 10.5% of revenue on research and development (compared to about 14% for Google)
  • Most popular (over 80% of people) in Turkey, Chile, and Venezuela - and least in China (prohibited)
The revenue comes from ads, from a percentage of purchases made on Facebook.

Not bad for a relatively new idea!!! 

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Apple in the Enterprise??

Taken from:

Traditionally, PC's have been the computers in the business enterprise.  BUT ... with the huge increase in Smartphones (especially the iPhone); and tablets (especially with the iPad) - and the flexibility of the various Mac laptops and notebooks is causing businesses to look at Apple products as part of their computing platform.

The article noted: "All of the major trends in IT -- cloud computing, mobile solutions and the ongoing consumerization of IT -- look good for Apple. It's more accommodating to the enterprise than it used to be, and its popularity in the mainstream consumer culture should offer advantages in the months ahead."

It could be a very good year for Apple in the business enterprise!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

IT Security can't keep up

Taken from:

The huge growth in the mobile market for employees does threaten security.

Some of the points in this article:
- employees think of their device as a simple 'phone', not as the way into the corporate data bases (and probably has the passwords saved on the device!!!!)
- the number has doubled in the past two years - with many of those having access to sensitive data
- insecurity WiFi - can allow others to access devices

Companies need to have strong security policies on corporate usages on smartphones (and tablets devices / iPad). Employees need to log out of applications fully. The data needs to be secure and require full authorization to get.

This will be a topic for years to come!!!