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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Not a good reason to give to your employer about telecommuting

Here are some reasons given to telecommute:

A. I have a long, difficult commute that represents time I could be working, as well as needless environmental waste.

B. I am more productive in a quiet, relaxed setting where I am not constantly interrupted.

C. There is nothing in my job that requires being in a specific place, so why not work wherever it’s most convenient?

D. Working from home will help my transition back from maternity leave, since I can still nurse my baby (who is being cared for by someone else in my home during working hours, but visits me for meals).

E. Think of all the money I’ll save by not having to pay for childcare!

The only bad reason is the last one!!! You boss will understand items A to D, but not E.

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