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Monday, October 24, 2011

Disruptive technologies

Some technologies can have very disruptive impacts on the status quo. For some simple examples, the car totally upset the transportation world (as did the locomotive, steam / diesel trains, and airplanes).

Today I'm going to look at a vary basic change - the Internet.

The internet has been very disruptive!!! (understatement!!)

Commerce - we used to shop at stores, now we shop on line (and frequently at the store website to see what they sell - and then go to the physical store). Amazon.com is an online only bookstore (and much more - see previous blog posting on Amazon).

Communication - where would we be without e-mail, instant messaging, and even texting without the internet? And ... if you want to talk about phone calls, look at Skype and others for FREE VIDEO calls!!!

News - newspapers are in trouble as more people get their news from RSS news feeds (or web searching)

Music - while not directly the internet, indirectly iTunes, Google's Music player, Pandora, and more (and ... indirectly, the digitization of music / movies)

In my next few posts, we'll look more at disruptive technologies.

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