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Saturday, April 28, 2012


Taken from:

The article states:

The battle over the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is certain to heat up over the next few weeks, as the U.S. Senate begins debate on its versions of the controversial cybersecurity legislation.
The U.S. House Thursday passed its CISPA bill in the face of a White House veto threat.
Privacy advocates and civil rights groups, which bitterly opposed the bill passed by the House, promised today to intensify their protests as the debate moves on to the Senate.
The opponents of the legislation contend that, despite late changes to the bill, it would undermine fundamental privacy protections granted to Internet users under multiple statutes, including the Federal Wiretap Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy.
Meanwhile, the scores of high technology companies and trade associations that support CISPA argue that the measure is a vital part of an effort to improve cybersecurity at a time when U.S. business, government and critical infrastructure networks face unprecedented hacker attacks.
The House version passed yesterday was introduced last November by Reps. Mike J. Rogers (R-Mich.) and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.), by a vote of 248 to 168.
The bill aims to make it easier for Internet Service Provides and Internet companies to collect and share cyber threat information gleaned from their networks with federal agencies like the U.S National Security Agency.
Critics charge that the bill remains vaguely worded and would allow government agencies unprecedented access to business and private Internet communications.

On the face, everybody should be interested in having more protection on intelligence sharing - but without seeing the details and listing to what this might mean it is hard to determine what is the controversy and opposition.

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