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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mark Zuckerberg is a bad role model for an IT career

The opening comment is:  "Want to run a successful high-tech company? Don't drop out of college."

The article notes: "The myth of the brilliant Ivy League student who starts a business in his dorm room, drops out of school, and goes on to run a successful high-tech start-up for many decades to come is essentially just that: a myth. Despite a few high-profile exceptions - such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates - the vast majority of CEOs running successful U.S. high -tech firms have college degrees, and more than half have at least one graduate degree."

So ...get your degree!!!

14 tips to help new college grads get an IT job

Taken from:

Some of the 14 tips included:
  • Programming!!!
  • Google yourself (your employers will - so clean things up)
  • Get a professional email address (beerdrinker@hotguys.com might be cute to your friends, but not employers)
  • Adjust your Facebook status to private (they might be able to find your name, but not much more)
  • Do your homework - know about the company and what they do
  • Network, network, network!!!!
The article indicated that there are hot IT jobs - but you have to be ready to go for them!!!

Technology for senior healthcare

Taken from:

Such gadgets include: motion sensors, panic buttons, bed sensors, large video chat devices (like Skype?), medication reminders, GPS devices in shoes (especially for Alzheimer patients who wander off - to find them), and more.  

Other more specialized devices might be easy to use (with direct report) blood pressure, blood sugar, pulse, etc. that can trigger a visiting nurse if the readings are out of an acceptable range.  There are stoves that shut off if not used with in a certain period of time (my mother once left a pan on the stove that eventually triggered a smoke detector and the fire department showed up).  

The trend is to more such devices.  The cost of a nursing home is so much more than the cost of living at one's house / apartment.  If technology can keep a person living comfortable at their own home longer, it is better for all of us.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

More on the Apple, Google, Microsoft War in the works

Taken from: http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/battle-plan-apple-vs-microsoft-vs-google-854664

(To readers - you really do need to follow the link - my review will not be as indepth as the article)

This article looks at the big three Apple - Google - Microsoft in their push to dominate.

Apple 'owns' the consumer side - especially the iPad and iPhone.  The article suggests that they might be too pricey and the operating environment might be getting old and needing tweaking.  But ... that is who Google and Microsoft have to fight against.
Apple's moving away from Google - especially Google Maps.  The article states: "But Google is getting the cold shoulder as Apple moves to its own maps and tries to get users to ask Siri instead of Google."

Google is trying with a new tablet - and with more products.  The article suggests that the Android operating system is too fragmented to be viable - with 10 different versions of Android by 10 different devices.  If Google can round things up better, with a stronger OS, they can be a player.

Microsoft is playing catch-up (again).  This time especially in the phone market.  Windows phone 8 - with the Windows 8 operating system could be the 'ace in the hole' - as desktops, laptops, phones, tablets will sync with each other and function in an expected fashion.  Microsoft has a product that it also figures will tip the balance - the XBox (as well as TV).  So, according to the article, an integrated approach for tablets, phones, computers, XBox and television is what Microsoft wants to do.

Again, (seems I write this a lot) - we shall see what transpires!!!

Smaller iPad on the way?

Taken from:  http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/rumor-smaller-ipad-coming-time-holidays-868362

The article makes sure that this is a rumor (not disproven, but a rumor).  The concept is intriguing - a tablet the size of the Amazon Kindle / Fire; Barnes and Noble Nook, and even the new Google tablet (and who knows where the Microsoft Tablet will fit).  

Apple is the brand name that is hard to put down - and easy to speculate about.  My guess is that it is relatively true that a smaller iPad will appear in the fall - and consumers will flock to it at $270 - which is significantly more than the Fire or Nook - but it will be an Apple (thus appealing to a strong consumer market).

We shall see if this does happen!!!