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Saturday, June 04, 2011

iPhone - post 1

I also have an iPhone (kind of).

My sister got a new iPhone and gave me her old one.

I am not much of a phone person. I love to email, use instant messaging and other communication techniques. I do have a cell phone (probably about 10 years old) - that does the basics - I can call people. It is generally in my pocket just in case.

When I had my car accident in April, I had my cell phone and called the insurance company. I didn't have to call 911 (although I could have), as paramedics / EMTs were on the scene within seconds. I also called my wife.

So, I have a pre-paid / pay-as-you go cell phone - about $8 a month - and I rarely (never?) use up my minutes!! When I travel, I use Skype on my computer to call my wife and check in. (Although I could use the cell phone).

So ... I have an iPhone that I don't use as a phone.

But ... I do have some apps on it. Like everybody in the university, I have the free version of Angry Bird (also on the iPad - although the iPad has two additional paid versions of Angry Bird). I have a learn German app on the iPad.

Probably what I use the iPhone for the most is the camera. I find that it works well for the quick-and-done type pictures. It interfaces well to my computer and I can load the pictures onto Facebook or to email for family and friends.

The second most used app on the iPhone is the QR code capture. I find QR codes to be an interesting development and want to explore them farther.

I also have iTunes for music (although I like the traditional iPod for its smaller size and ease of use when I exercise).

My wife wants us to have updated (real) smartphones (not sure the brands - iPhone or other) - to be cool; I'm not sure I want to be locked into a data plan that is going to cost (for two phones) several hundred dollars a year for what I get for $8 a month (or with WiFi on my laptop)